I'm not going to go into any actual physical detail, but let's just say that since my weekly PIO shot last Wednesday, I've been fighting the Battle of the Bowel. I'd somehow made it 33 years without having any issues in this department, so I was at a loss. I complained to my acupuncturist, and he laughed and told me I was "full of sh**." Hilarious, buddy.
The internets yielded all sorts of helpful suggestions, so in case there's anyone out there having similar issues, here's what worked for me:
- Metamucil -- easily the worlds foulest ingestible substance. Who thought a drink could be chewy?
- High-fiber meal replacement bars -- anything with more than 5g fiber -- Odwalla Berries GoMega is one example. I also found a "Flavor & Fiber" bar at Trader Joe's with 12g of fiber -- I bought it but I'm a little afraid to eat it. Anyone remember Colon Blow?
- Kiwifruit -- one of the corners of the web told me that kiwis were good for this stuff. At the very least, they're really tasty.
- Lots and lots of water
It was awful in my last pregnancy. Lots of water, and lots of prunes did the trick. Good luck!
Oh yeah, the PIO is doing a number on me too. I'm all about the prune juice. I'd never bought it before but now I'm trying to drink a whole glass every morning. Lots of water, and also grape nuts with benefiber poured on top.
I've never had any issues before, so it's come as a surprise to me too. UGH!
Is colace pg approved? I was able to take it after my last ER. It doesn't really help you go, just makes for a more comfortable exp once you can go. Your list sounds good - lots of fiber, lots of water, prunes or prune juice? GL!!!
Been following your blog for a while and thought now was a good time to chime in! I do the PIO shots nightly during the 2ww and will continue to once I get pregnant. This has always been one of the worst side effects. Definitely drink LOTS of water as others have suggested. Also try eating very high fiber cereals (like Fiber One). Flax seed, whole or ground, is another great help : )
Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. I've been reading your blog for a bit, and it sounds like IVF #1 worked for you. YAY! My retrieval and transfer will be mid May. I look forward to following your journey, and I wish you a ton of luck on your 8 w ultrasound. :-D
I have bowel issues regularly (pun intended), but I haven't really figured out how to deal with it other than eating healthy and taking lots of tums.
I am fighting the same fight, but I am nowhere near succeeding.
Colace. Been on it anytime I've had to take narcotics, and the PIO shots of last month. DH (super doc) says its safe for pg, but of course ask your own dr. (My RE approved it also.) Generic is Doc-Q-Lace (seriously). Also sold OTC at Costco under Kirkland brand "Stool Softener". Nice, huh? Seriously, what else can I help you with. :)
Oh, I did Pear juice too, on Super Doc's advice.
Prunes, Lots and Lots of Prunes
I like PlumSmart Juice. A glass a day, and, lots of water. I fear my bowels if we ever get preggers!!!!
I am using progesterone suppositories, um, rectally ..and pretty much that keeps everything moving along. Maybe you could decrease PIO and add these little suckers-- but watch out, all is unusual, but it does keep moving. Good luck!
I've found that if you drink the Metamucil quickly after it's mixed (before it thickens) it doesn't taste so bad. What works for me is water (lots of it) veggies, and bran cereals.
A cup of raspberries is tasty and packs a load of fibre!
Dried apricots seem to work the best for me...doctor approved and they taste better to me than prunes. Good luck!
Fiber cereal. All-Bran is great, if you can take the texture. I can't, but adding half a sliced banana helps tremendously. All-Bran Strawberry Medley, on the other hand, I find very tasty. And helpful.
I love that you used the "Super Colon Blow" photo. Thanks for making me smile. I know it's a lame suggestion, but an apple a day works for me when the pipes need a little help.
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