Both of my scary spotting episodes have happened on Monday. Yesterday, I forgot that it was even Monday (thank you, national holiday) until I saw a couple of brown spots on the TP last night.
Things seemed to have tapered off overnight, but seriously? I need another reason to hate Mondays?
Monday, Monday. I hate that! My two spotting episodes were both on Saturday nights... and I don't know which is worse! I hope that uterus gets with the program; we are done spotting now, okay?
Thinking of you...
On the positive, that should mean no more spotting for at least a week! How about never!
Can I ask you a question about your clinic? If so, please email me... speclk2@hotmail.com. BTW, yesterday's post cracked me up. Yeah...the whole sex thing takes on new meanings.
I had a case of the Monday's today!!! Glad that things have settled down. Maybe your little peanut is not a Monday fan. ;)
I hope things are better today!
Hoping that this was your LAST "Monday."
UGH. Just hoping you get better Mondays ahead. Peace.
It's amazing how 'a little spotting' can make our hearts stop. Hoping and praying that this is the last you see for a long time!
"Mondays" are soo not cool... even if they're on Tuesdays!
Hope Wednesday's been better to you.
I would be scared and freaked out, I hope the spotting permanently stops.
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