Fellow new moms (or soon-to-be moms who are up every hour peeing), don't hate me, but I am feeling SUPREMELY well-rested today. The Chicklette slept for a total of 13 (!!) hours last night, with one feeding at 4:00 which my awesome valentine of a husband took. Which means I slept for about 10 broken hours, with breaks every 3 hours or so for pumping (I'm having supply issues post-cold, so am trying to be diligent about having something regularly sucking on my boobs). And she's finally sleeping in her crib, which means that.....drum roll please....the Mr. and I slept in the same bed this weekend for the first time in 8 weeks. A regular miracle.
(Now, I don't want to misrepresent the miracle -- we were just sleeping, not SLEEPING. We've yet to, um, resume marital relations. I have to admit I'm kind of terrified, as everyone loves to tell me how painful it is the first few times. Why do they do this? In any event, I'm sure I'll have a TMI post at some point about that whole experience. But anyway.)
In other news, we had our first post-baby date on Saturday night, during which we managed to limit baby-related conversation to about 20 minutes. And I had 2 glasses of wine! And raw fish! And a big headache the next morning! But it was so, so worth it.
So, a good weekend. I'm in such a good mood, I let the Mr. go and play 9 holes of golf. I don't really expect any of this goodness to last (particularly the sleeping part), so I'm just trying to soak it all in and appreciate it. And write it down so that I remember the next time Ms. Fussypants is on a tear.
Happy Valentine's weekend!
(Oh, and for those of you in the two week wait -- I'm thinking of you and silently sending good vibes your way. Stick stick stick!!)
13 hours?! I DOOOOO hate you! I dooooooo!
13 hours and sleeping in her crib??? I am soooooo jealous!!! I was feeling lucky to get 5 hours two nights in a row.
Wow, what a great night! Sushi AND red wine? heaven!
Glad you are all doing so well! 13 hours?!?!?
Okay, our babies are the same age. HOW did you get her to sleep in her crib and go 13 hours with only one feeding?!?! The longest my boy has gone between feedings is 4 hours (and that's from the beginning of one feed to the beginning of the next....) If I don't get some good sleep soon, I may have a nervous breakdown. I am so jealous. But glad to hear you are having a great couple of days!
Oh, how I love the be-hearted bum. :) Too cute. Glad you got some sleep!
Your chicklette must only be a few days older than my little monkey---We are ecstatic if we get 4 hours. In the carseat. 13 hours? I would think he was dead! SOOOO jealous of you, (but happy for you...enjoy) :)
btw...with you on the whole "relations" thing. I had my post-partum exam yesterday & was given the go-ahead, but the NP stated that of course this was "physically" ready and I had to decide when I was "emotionally" ready, and that pain was definitely going to be part of the equation. No sleep + thought of pain does NOT get me going...
Thank you so much for your comment today! I've been freaking out about being induced with such small cervical dilation, etc...so a success story was seriously needed! I think I'll make it to my appointment on Monday (at this point, it feels like she will never be born), but at least I'll feel more positive about a possible induction!
Sounds like you had a truly fabulous day. So glad things are hitting a routine and you are beginning to get rest and recreation.
I had sushi on my first date night too. And I was so excited that I also blogged about it. We have not resumed marital relations either...super worried about that one.
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