Thursday, August 20, 2009

The tub of my dreams

We started baby shopping in earnest last week. We ordered the crib, made some nursery design decisions, and most importantly, got Grandma to splurge on the baby item I have been coveting for years -- the Sleep Sheep. (Is it wrong that I want one for myself now? He's just so soft and cuddly.)

In the midst of all this cuteness, though, the item that I am most excited about is a bathtub. Not a baby bathtub, but a mommy bathtub.

When we bought our house 3 years ago, we loved so many things about it -- the open floor plan, the back yard, the 11 skylights and the natural light they provided. But there was one thing missing -- a bathtub in an otherwise gorgeous Spanish-style tiled bathroom. Now, this wouldn't be a big deal for some people, but I love me a good bath. I used to take one almost every night when we lived in San soothing in the cold foggy weather, and such a nice way to kickstart the falling-to-sleep process.

We've known all along that at some point, we'd likely have to remodel our bathroom to add a tub and fix some plumbing issues. Well, we've decided that time is NOW. Which is creating all kinds of fun prospects -- spending $30K of our savings, living with Mom for 6 weeks, and having to somehow get our nursery together while not living in the house. But it's now or never. I don't want to be living elsewhere once the baby comes.

So, away we go. Construction could start next week. I'm just holding on to the image in my head of lounging in a tub during my third trimester, with some aromatherapy candles and a good book (and probably a curious kitteh sticking his paws over the side). I just hope this isn't one of those Money Pit situations where 6 weeks turns into 12. ("Two weeks!")

Calgon, take me away.....


Michele said...

Drooling over your bathtub... I cant wait to see pics when the construction is over...

K said...

OMG you are gutsy to be starting such a project now. That's all I can say. Having been there and done that....
But, more power to ya! You got balls girl. You got balls!

Tiffanie said...

ohhhh, i love a good bath. ours has jets and all kinds of tile space for candles and wine (well, wine is out for now).

good luck w/ the remodeling! we are also tackling some home improvement stuff while pg. replacing all of the tile and carpet. extra fun.


btw - my word is utersis. wtf?

Me said...

I could NOT live without a tub. There is nothing more relaxing and wonderful then a bubble bath with candles and a glass of wine. Sigh...wish I was there now! hehe

Brandy said...

One of the main reasons we bought the house we have now is because of the bathtub in the master bath. It's huge. DH and I will often take a bath together. Good luck on the construction!


Big Mama T said...

Ack!!! I know completely how you feel about the bathroom/a good bath. Ours is so awful, I swear the water in the tub only gets about 6 inches deep before it hits the backup drain thingy. Yay for your new tub! said...

How totally awesome!

Go get that tub!!!

Hope the job is beautiful and speedy!

All the best!


Anonymous said...

The bathroom sounds like it's going to be absolutely DIVINE once it's finished and you're right there is nothing like a good bath!


MoonNStarMommy said...

Ooooooooooh but the bathtub would be soooooo nice while baking the last of that baby to ease the sort muscles and just watch the water ripple with movement! LOL...

Congrats on you baby to be!! How exciting!! I always wanted a little girl - which is why I ended up with 4 boys! If I could, I would STILL want to keep going for a girl, so it's probably a good thing that my husband got fixed.

Stopped by from the ICLW links!!

Me said...

We love the sleep sheep, too. We take the inside sound machine out for traveling, and call it "sheep guts." So, enjoy your sheep guts! - Tkeys

Anonymous said...

I love the sleep sheep! I want one just for myself, too! :)