Saturday, August 11, 2012

Still growing....

Both the beta number and my chest.

First, the beta. It was 375 yesterday. So we're doubling nicely, and in range for a singleton. It's so odd, the numbers this time (182/375) are almost identical to the numbers last time (188/389). Of course, last time was a twin pregnancy that became a I guess this means these numbers are stronger if there's only 1 in there? I don't know. I'm just glad they're doing what they're supposed to do.

Secondly, my girls. They already look like they are ready to breastfeed. If this is a harbinger of my body remembering this pregnancy stuff earlier the second time around, I should be sporting maternity clothes in about a week. Not that I'm's going to be harder to stay under wraps for long.

Anyway, looking forward to a weekend of naps and 8:30 bedtimes. And I couldn't be more excited about that!


Melissa G said...

Woo hoo! So glad to hear things are going well so far!


Tiffany said...


Miss Megan said...

Woot woot! Great news!!! So, when's the scan?

Amber said...


Unknown said...

Great news. Congratulations. cut baby. I have also my one daughter. She is now 4 years old. I would share her pictures and i hope you will like her pictures.

zeek rewards closes office

Mush said...

Hope things are still going well x

Mush said...

I hope you do a happy update soon. x