I held myself back for so long. What if something goes wrong? What if it's not really a girl? What if I get a ton of duplicate clothes at my shower?
But there is no holding back now. I just can't help it -- all of the little clothes are SO DAMN CUTE. And I've been buying them for other people for so long that I know JUST WHERE TO GO to get the very cutest things.
Making matters worse: I am as big as a house and fit into nothing, so I have only my unborn child upon whom to unleash my shopping urge.
Making matters even worse than that: Grandma thinks we are having a celebrity baby. Which must be why she purchased this:

Somebody please help us stop the insanity!
I admit - I did the same thing - only the best for my little girl - while Mommy is reduced to wearing rags!
No way am I going to condone stopping the shopping insanity. That outfit is just waaaaaaayyyyyy to cute. Just give in, you deserve to indulge a little.
That is just too cute....
I love to shop...so I am no help....Shop till you drop1
I will be no help here, I say INDULGE! Absolutely! Hey, except for the Burberry, it is cheaper than other addictions, say, like crack for example.
No really, I think you should just enjoy every single enjoyable second of all of this!
take care,
PS my confirmation word is suxitt. I'm just sayin'.
That is such a cute outfit! All it needs are some little mary janes and a red scarf!!!
It is impossible to refrain from buying cute baby girl clothes! I mean, they are ridiculously cute!
I am pretty certain baby Barefoot hasn't grown a penis overnight. I think you will be ok! Do you have a name yet for your little girl?
:) That is so cute!
so sweet! and I have to admit, i have a fear of my own that bebe girl isn't but for no real reason as the doctor was 100% sure.....so i have indulged, girl clothes are so very cute.....but can't believe some of them cost more than ny clothes (i have not done that yet)
your baby is going to rock the burberry
That outfit is so darned cute!!! I wish my family bought stuff like that- but that fun stuff comes from my DH's family...mine insists that clothes won't last long enough to spend money so we should buy them at Walmart! (I mean, when did that happen? I grew up in NYC? We never even HAD a Walmart!!!!)
Enjoy the shopping frenzy!!! It will be so worth it when you are dressing her up. I think its great:-)
OMG - this is exactly why I'm terrified of telling my mother that I'm pregnant (which won't happen until the 7-week ultrasound - I can't believe I'm typing that!). She will immediately start shopping. I was at the store yesterday and for the first time let myself actually take a peek at the baby stuff instead of averting my eyes when I passed by. I think I'm going to be just as bad as you.
Oh...that outfit is SO cute!!! Let her buy those things and just enjoy it. You can be practical, Gradma's can not.
That outfit is too cute! I say shop away, I can't even believe you've waited this long!
OMG! I absolutely understand! I have know it was a girl from 13 weeks and her walk-in closet is full...my family keeps yelling at me to stop buying clothes but as you said they are so cute its so hard to control yourself.
Like you I bougth Nola her first Juicy Couture outfit although mommy would never buy Juicy for herself! hahah
I hope you enjoy the shopping as much as me - and who cares right, we waited a long time for this!
ENJOY!!!! oh and LOVE the outfit!!!
::dies:: could the outfit get ANY sweeter??? I LOVE it!
I am so jealous of your team pink status right now. I cannot wait to buy some gender specific duds for this LO.
Your first baby only happens one time...enjoy it!!! And for those of us who had to struggle to get this far....you deserve it even more! Just relax and enjoy it ALL and enjoy how excited everyone is for you too....
iam no help. that outfit is cute! shop away!
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