Lately, I've been so tired that I've missed most of their middle-of-the-night shenanigans (i.e., wind sprints over the bed). But I've also been HOT -- and I'm not talking Angelina Jolie hot. I'm talking sweaty, smelly, cranky hot. My solution? Crank up the AC. Sure, I'm costing us a hundred extra bucks a month on the electric bill, but MAMA NEEDS HER SLEEP.
You'd think, since cats are covered in fur, that they could handle it. But NO. I've woken up several times this week (for one of my multiple nightly trips to pee) to one stretched out flush against one side of my furnace-y body, and the other one either flush on the other side or wedged in my crotch. Once, Big Boy (not his real name, but an accurate description of his physique) was lounging across my legs, resulting in a legs-asleep knee-buckling crawl to the bathroom. And then, when I return, they've both curled up on the warm (wet, sweaty) spot that I've left on my side of the bed. Which would be kind of cute most of the time.
LMAO about your cat post! That sounds so much like out cat-we call her bitty kitty (affectionately) most of the time. That or little meow-wow since she talks non-stop. I so know the wind sprints you speak of!
When I was pregnant with my son, my cat wouldn't leave my side. He was usually the meanest cat I had ever seen. But, those couple of months, were magic for him! It was so weird!
Good luck! ;-)
Curious as to how much big boy weighs? Our male cat is nicknamed big man and is tipping the scales at almost 18lbs. Our vet wants them between 8-10lbs, so even the one we think of as small is overweight in her book...
Good luck, keep us posted...
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