For those of you who've never had it, Pho (pronounced "fuh," as in, "what the fuh?") is Vietnamese soup -- lots of spicy (or not, if you don't like the spice) broth, lots of rice noodles, and meat. The meat is usually beef, although you can get chicken, and if you're really adventurous you can get things like tripe or tendon. (Ugh, just typing that brought a nice little wave of nausea -- but pretty much anything does that these days.) I usually stick with brisket and sometimes a meatball or two. You garnish this deliciousness with some combination of bean sprouts, cilantro, and hot peppers.
Oh, it's so good. I didn't discover it until about two years ago, and I can't believe I lived the first 30 years of my life without it. It's such a great meal in that it fills you up and warms you up, but doesn't make you feel disgusting like, say, eating a whole pizza might.
And tonight, when nothing sounds good except ginger ale and bread, I've discovered a meal that I'm actually looking forward to.
I'll take it!
Hmmmm. I've lived the first 32 years of my life without Pho....although there is a restaurant near me called, "What the Pho"...and maybe I'll try it now...
sounds like a nice night in general. Relaxing.
Sounds yummy!!! Will have to try it. What a lovely evening you had planned. I hope you enjoyed it!
I live in So. Cal, and we have a plethora of Pha restaurants. My 'favorite' (I've never eaten there, just driving by) is the one called Pho' King.
Yup. That's really the name.
Good luck with the nausia and stay dry!
I was inspired by your post and since it was rainy and cold in dear old Seattle area (big surprise). I went to Yummy Pho and had a bowl of beefy-noodley goodness. :-D
That sounds absolutely delicious! Do you have a recipe that you can post? I love to cook and need lots of distractors right now. I'm trying NOT to freak before my third beta on Tuesday, but I can't help it. Because I hyperstimmed after the transfer, I've been crampy on and off. Thoughts of miscarriage keep popping into my messed up little head - I hate that! Any advice?
I just reread your post a little more carefully and realized this was takeout. Damn.
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